Light Body

Light Body

“Your Light body is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe.

Your light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level, closer to your soul, than your chakras. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers, for a total of ten centers that power and make up your light body.

As you awaken your light body you will learn how to change less harmonious energies into positive ones and use the energy around you to go higher. You may experience a stronger sense of personal power and a greater ability to control your emotions, stay centered, release old blocks and stuck emotional energy, and respond with love and compassion.

Your light body opens doorways to the higher realms of light, such as the soul plane. Awakening your light body assists you in adding light to your thoughts, opening your channel upward, and connecting with the Universal Mind. As you awaken your light body you will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life.

Why Awaken Your Light Body?

Many of you are in the process of making the evolutionary leap of awakening your light bodies, made possible in part by the waves of light that are coming to the earth plane. What will understanding, using, and awakening your light body do for you? As your light body awakens, you draw to yourself opportunities to make a difference in the world as you grow more radiant with love and light. Awakening your light body can assist you in having a clearer vision of what you are here to do, lifting the veils so you can see more of your purpose and why you are here. As you gain a stronger connection to the Higher Will and Universal Mind, you are able to more easily attract abundance, new opportunities, and loving relationships. Awakening your light body can help you create states of inner illumination, mental clarity, and an open heart. You can be more focused, mentally alert, and physically vibrant. You can more easily choose how you want to feel and the thoughts you want to think.

You will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life. If you are a writer, musician, artist, teacher, healer, or in any creative field, awakening your light body can assist you in achieving the inspired and intuitive state of consciousness needed to excel at your work. If you are teaching or working with others, it will help your work to have a more profound effect and to make you more magnetic to clients and students. Awakening your light body can improve your personal relationships.

As your energy becomes more beautiful and radiant, people will act and think in higher, more loving ways around you without your trying to change them. Your heart will be more open and you will understand what it means to love as your higher self and soul. As you work with the light body centers you can learn to become transparent to lower energies, and choose inner peace more often. If you are around children, these energies can help them stay calmer and more focused.

The energy centers that power the light body are definite and real. You can feel and work with them, creating positive and lasting results as you do this. You can go higher, feel more balanced, stable, clearheaded, creative, and gain a new perspective on life. We want to mention that all spiritual growth is a process of unfolding consciousness, and as you awaken your light body and grow spiritually, you will still have challenges and lessons that are opportunities for growth. However, as you become more radiant and filled with light, you will have more skills to move through these lessons with greater ease and joy.”

~ Orin

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