Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Many kundalini awakening symptoms are result from changes to the nervous system. It is easy to confuse symptoms from a neurological or biological condition as being due to kundalini awakening. In either case, symptoms are a sign of healing and of your body trying to maintain homeostasis or to increase your energy.
Kundalini symptoms happen all along the awakening process, before pre-awakening, at spiritual awakening and afterward leading to full-blown kundalini transformation. Symptoms are produced as signs of physical changes manifesting in the body after each event of quiet mind happens, no matter how long that interval was. Because self-realization is gradual and biological, our ability to sustain quiet mind grows over time. The longer you can sustain quiet mind, the stronger the kundalini transformation symptoms become. Kundalini awakening symptoms noticeably, get closer together over time if you are progressing in your spiritual transformation. After the full-blown kundalini transformation, symptoms are continuous 24/7, get stronger each day in different ways and do not stop until the transformation is complete.
Pre-Awakening Symptoms
The kinds of symptoms faced when near pre-awakening often are due to changes occurring in the mind. Visions, vivid dreams, insights, synchronistic events, seeing the world differently and many changes in perspectives and beliefs occur. There is often a questioning of ideas and beliefs about God and religion that you have held your entire lifetime. Energy is working in your mind to clear aspects about how you see yourself and how you see the world. In short, your eyes are opening as your mind quiets down and when you look outside you discover that everything is conscious. Sporadic nervous system reactions also occur.
Spiritual Awakening Symptoms
In a crown opening, you will feel a sudden rise of energy. You experience a change in perception and see nature differently with vivid colors. You have the sensation of time standing still and see the interconnectedness between objects in the world. It is like seeing the world moving in a connected way, instead of seeing still objects. You experience healing symptoms and feel rushes of energy, flashes of light and many other kundalini symptoms. You have visions, vivid dreams and know about things you never had before. It seems information is downloaded to you. In a crown opening, you receive information about your purpose and lesson for this lifetime. As your soul energy opens, you may remember some past lives.

You may feel you are related to religious icons or may feel like you are God. There are many descriptions of the crown opening and they differ widely. Because people are still heavily influenced by their personality when it happens, colorful, mysterious and ‘out of this world’ stories are reported. Common to them all is they have seen beyond the illusion the personality creates, and have met their higher-self. Much energy has released from the personality and a profound rewiring of the central nervous system is underway. This is cause for the expanded perception and sensory abilities. Another common factor is the heightened abilities eventually fade. Then you will hear people state they still have the abilities, only they are now used to them. This is wishful thinking. In the end this does not matter, we have changed. Our eyes are now open. A barrage of nervous system kundalini reactions also occur, but fade after a while.
Healing Phase Symptoms
Later symptoms will be a combination of healing reactions, which can be illness in the body, signs of mental health problems, emotional problems and the like. All are signs of continued healing. Anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, gallbladder and liver problems, tingling legs syndrome and others like this are common healing events after crown awakening. Healing of the body will increase as your vibration rises and healing of the body from diseases is a priority to gain more energy. As healing symptoms increase, we feel sick and notice reduced awareness level. We remember how we felt before and want that back, which motivates us to enter into a self-healing process and increase our meditation and spiritual work. It is hard to tell which came first, the sickness or the awareness and which caused the other, because both are part of the same.
Kundalini Symptoms
Prior to full-blown kundalini transformation, while meditative, you have kundalini symptoms such as feeling tingles or muscle twitches in various areas of the body. You may feel fleeting pain or cramps, quivering of the lips, flashes in the brain and sporadic jerks of body parts. You may feel sudden rushes of energy in the body, explosions of light in the brain and feel tingling or numbness in various body parts. When you feel these things, you have the ability to sustain quiet mind in meditation for increasingly longer times. This cannot be missed. You will be falling into a deep trance-like state and will fear you will lose yourself as the quiet increases. It is like falling asleep in your meditation, and you want to awaken and shake it off. Going beyond this initial fear, to allow yourself to fall asleep, will be part of deepening your meditation. If your meditative state is not deepening like this, you are probably at an earlier stage of spiritual awakening and it is unlikely the full-blown kundalini transformation is near to triggering. While in early awakening stages, it is easy to convince ourselves we are more advanced than we are, because of our identification with our mind-voice and from believing truth comes from our storyteller.

Because of widespread lack of information about kundalini awakening, symptoms tend to be colorfully described, which makes this experience seem stranger than it is. Many of the symptoms are due to changes in the central nervous system, are observed internally, and thus are unworldly. We do not have a common language to describe internal symptoms. To complicate matters further, the brain is rewiring, old memories are stirring up, hormones are rushing and strange sensations all felt all over the body. As more people come forward reporting their kundalini awakening and as scientists get involved and record cases, then our knowledge about this natural process will expand and it will be less mystical.
It is beyond the scope of this book to talk in detail about each symptom. Several common symptoms are defined in the glossary and the index contains reference to many symptoms I experienced. All or any of these symptoms happen at various stages along the path of spiritual awakening and healing, but are more like a barrage of symptoms which then fade. With kundalini transformation well under way, you will experience all these symptoms and some continuously on a daily basis. When kundalini transformation is in full force, the symptoms do not fade, they are felt every day, and get stronger over time. Eventually you reach a plateau when you are near the end phase and then all symptoms settle down. However, there is something consistent after full-blown kundalini awakening that cannot be missed: your vibration will increase each day as well your awareness level.
Common symptoms include: tingling, muscle twitches, kriyas, stinging prickles, freezing, hot flashes, sweating, hot bones, body vibration, pain in muscles, muscle cramps, flashes of light in the mind, rushes of energy moving on the spine, internal rain, drops of liquid, external rain, pulse in root and crown chakras, increased sexual energy, spontaneous orgasms, insights, frequent changes in sensory perception, amplified senses, altered states of consciousness, loss of all sensation, going out of body, organ cleansing, electric shocks, buzzing in body, itching, insect crawling sensation, shaking, shivers, hearing tones, change in sleep and eating patterns, hyperactivity, headaches, pressure in skull, visions, visits from extraterrestrials or guides, snapping, clicking and popping of bones and ligaments, numbness, spontaneous crying or laughing, mystical experiences and more.