Pineal Portal
“In this particular body through which this, then, at present is emanating, the gland with its thread known as the pineal gland is the channel along which same then operates, and with the subjugation of the consciousness – physical consciousness – there arises, as it were, a cell from the creative forces within the body to the entrance of the conscious mind, or brain, operating along, or traveling along, that of the thread or cord as when severed separates the physical, the soul, or the spiritual body.”
Edgar Cayce (288-29)

We have always had the potential to do anything we could conceivably visualize ! The mind’s power is limitless and when every part of your being believes it can, it will ! You are a power house and all that untamed energy when channeled and focused at one point, the Pineal Gland or the Mind’s Eye, can make impossible seem like a word in the dictionary of the unaware. The nature of reality is seamless and your belief is what creates your reality. We all have the potential to be able to do anything we want, if only we believe strongly enough.
The micro-crystals of your pineal gland serve in much the same way as an old-fashioned crystal radio. However, most of the frequencies received via your pineal gland are outside of the human perceptual range. Therefore, they can be perceived as colours and sounds. Because of this, many of the messages you receive from the higher dimensions are colours and tones. Also, if your thought patterns are fearful, they carry a low frequency, which calibrates your Pineal Portal to a lower frequency of light. On the other hand, when your thoughts resonate to the frequency of love, you calibrate your Pineal Portal to the higher frequencies. As you gain Mastery over your thoughts, your Pineal Portal will be calibrated to the higher frequencies of loving thoughts. Then you will be able to translate more of these light and sound messages into Light Language.
When you first open your Pineal Portal, you may primarily receive auditory messages. If you wish to convert these messages into light, actually Light Language, you would need to raise the frequency of sound by forty octaves. How can this be accomplished? The answer is that as you expand, you surrender to your Soul.. Since all energy is related to the speed of light, Einstein’s E=mc squared, when two frequencies meet, the higher frequency will raise the resonance of the lower.
Therefore, when you surrender to your Soul/SELF you allow the cosmic light and unconditional love to enter your Pineal Portal, and this energy will raise the resonance of your brainwaves, consciousness, thought patterns and perceptions. Hence, by surrendering to your Soul, you will raise your consciousness enough to perceive the higher octaves of Light Language. In fact, it is common to experience a download of Light Language once you have fully opened and activated your Pineal Portal.
Another important point regarding your Personal Portal’s ability to receive light messages is that your pineal gland’s micro-crystals have piezoelectric properties. Piezoelectricity is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials, such as crystals, some ceramics, bones, DNA and various proteins. It is because of this property that certain crystals are used for pressure gauges, oscillators, resonators and wave stabilizers. Crystals also have the ability to rotate the plane of polarization of light into the higher frequency of ultraviolet. Ultraviolet is the highest frequency of the third dimensional light spectrum. Therefore, it serves as a gateway into higher dimensions.