
Change the Universe

Change the Universe

“If you love who you are, you will change your universe. You may transmute agony into ecstasy, that you may know oneness and non-separation. There is no separation in the...

Change the Universe

“If you love who you are, you will change your universe. You may transmute agony into ecstasy, that you may know oneness and non-separation. There is no separation in the...

Serving Life and Consciousness

Serving Life and Consciousness

As you begin to align yourself with the evolution of life itself, with the growth of life and consciousness, you will be lifted up in ways that you may not...

Serving Life and Consciousness

As you begin to align yourself with the evolution of life itself, with the growth of life and consciousness, you will be lifted up in ways that you may not...

Light is Information, Love is Creation

Light is Information, Love is Creation

Everything is frequency, and it only takes a little shift in frequency to affect all other frequencies. As frequency beings, you are to become aware, to transmute and expand, and...

Light is Information, Love is Creation

Everything is frequency, and it only takes a little shift in frequency to affect all other frequencies. As frequency beings, you are to become aware, to transmute and expand, and...

Heart Field

Heart Field

Energy changes with intention, instantaneously and powerfully. Changing your electromagnetic field of energy is not difficult, nor does it take years of study or practice. It is immediate. You can...

Heart Field

Energy changes with intention, instantaneously and powerfully. Changing your electromagnetic field of energy is not difficult, nor does it take years of study or practice. It is immediate. You can...

Knowing Yourselves is a Major Aspect of Your Awakening Process

Knowing Yourselves is a Major Aspect of Your Aw...

  The energy of the Tsunami of Love is strengthening and intensifying daily, and many of you can feel it.  Many others, who remain very much involved in the 3D...

Knowing Yourselves is a Major Aspect of Your Aw...

  The energy of the Tsunami of Love is strengthening and intensifying daily, and many of you can feel it.  Many others, who remain very much involved in the 3D...

Transformation – Opening the Heart Chakra

Transformation – Opening the Heart Chakra

  In what ways can we open up our Heart Chakra? How do we know what is truth and false if we are not connected to our feeling center and...

Transformation – Opening the Heart Chakra

  In what ways can we open up our Heart Chakra? How do we know what is truth and false if we are not connected to our feeling center and...