
Mercury Enters Libra, September 26th, 2024

Mercury Enters Libra, September 26th, 2024

Today, September 26, 2024, Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and information, moves into the sign of Libra until October 13th, marking a shift towards more balanced and diplomatic exchanges....

Mercury Enters Libra, September 26th, 2024

Today, September 26, 2024, Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and information, moves into the sign of Libra until October 13th, marking a shift towards more balanced and diplomatic exchanges....

Equinox, September 22nd 2024

Equinox, September 22nd 2024

Today we have Equinox which marks the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and from winter to spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The equinox, a term derived...

Equinox, September 22nd 2024

Today we have Equinox which marks the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and from winter to spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The equinox, a term derived...

Full Moon in Pisces & Lunar Eclipse September 17th, 2024

Full Moon in Pisces & Lunar Eclipse September 1...

A Time for Transformation and Emotional ReleaseOn September 17th, 2024, the Full Moon in Pisces coupled with a Lunar Eclipse. This rare and potent combination promises to bring forth profound...

Full Moon in Pisces & Lunar Eclipse September 1...

A Time for Transformation and Emotional ReleaseOn September 17th, 2024, the Full Moon in Pisces coupled with a Lunar Eclipse. This rare and potent combination promises to bring forth profound...

Moon Conjunct Pluto, September 14th, 2024

Moon Conjunct Pluto, September 14th, 2024

Today, September 14th, the Moon forms a conjunction with Pluto, bringing a potent blend of emotional intensity and transformative energy into our lives. This powerful aspect happens when the Moon,...

Moon Conjunct Pluto, September 14th, 2024

Today, September 14th, the Moon forms a conjunction with Pluto, bringing a potent blend of emotional intensity and transformative energy into our lives. This powerful aspect happens when the Moon,...

9/9 Portal, The Power of Nine

9/9 Portal, The Power of Nine

On September 9, 2024, the spiritual energy of the universe aligns through the 9/9 Portal, a gateway often associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and the culmination of personal growth cycles....

9/9 Portal, The Power of Nine

On September 9, 2024, the spiritual energy of the universe aligns through the 9/9 Portal, a gateway often associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and the culmination of personal growth cycles....

Moon Conjunct Venus, September 5, 2024

Moon Conjunct Venus, September 5, 2024

On September 5, 2024, the Moon will join forces with Venus, creating a moment ripe with love, beauty, and emotional depth. This enchanting conjunction invites you to explore your feelings and...

Moon Conjunct Venus, September 5, 2024

On September 5, 2024, the Moon will join forces with Venus, creating a moment ripe with love, beauty, and emotional depth. This enchanting conjunction invites you to explore your feelings and...