
Physical Transmutations

Physical Transmutations

Ascension is an expected and normal part of the evolutionary development of the Universe. It has always been so and will continue until it is no longer necessary as a...

Physical Transmutations

Ascension is an expected and normal part of the evolutionary development of the Universe. It has always been so and will continue until it is no longer necessary as a...

Portal Chakras

Portal Chakras

Aside from the seven main chakras within your personal energetic body, there are also five other portals that serve also as anchor points and energetic vortices that connect you with...

Portal Chakras

Aside from the seven main chakras within your personal energetic body, there are also five other portals that serve also as anchor points and energetic vortices that connect you with...

DNA Activation

DNA Activation

“It’s magnetics wrapped around magnetics all in this interdimensional soup you thought was just biology. The cellular structure vibrates at hundreds of thousands of vibrations/second. The choir sings to other...

DNA Activation

“It’s magnetics wrapped around magnetics all in this interdimensional soup you thought was just biology. The cellular structure vibrates at hundreds of thousands of vibrations/second. The choir sings to other...

The Eye of Shiva

The Eye of Shiva

The ‘Eye of Shiva’ in the human being has its position, as is already known, in the center of the forehead between the two physical eyes. It is not to be...

The Eye of Shiva

The ‘Eye of Shiva’ in the human being has its position, as is already known, in the center of the forehead between the two physical eyes. It is not to be...

The Seven Bodies

The Seven Bodies

As there are seven bodies, so there are also seven chakras, energy centers, and each chakra is connected in a special way with its corresponding body. 1. Physical Body: The...

The Seven Bodies

As there are seven bodies, so there are also seven chakras, energy centers, and each chakra is connected in a special way with its corresponding body. 1. Physical Body: The...

Higher Dimensions

Higher Dimensions

There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just...

Higher Dimensions

There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just...