Ascension & Self-Transformation
Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness move more in alignment with your Higher Self. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued to growth. The true beauty of your soul is beginning to show and it has a positive and uplifting effect on others.

As the process of cellular transformation progresses; you will be weighted down by an erroneous feeling of unworthiness, this is a very common aspect of the psychological Transformation process. Because we are dealing with immense biological changes and we also may have all the psychological, mental and emotional issues that we inherited when we arrived to deal with, we have to be attuned with the amount of situations, relationships, pre-concepts that will have to be transformed inside of ourselves. We may have to deal with many complicated issues in our life, some of which we are not necessarily aware of at the present, time and are all stored up within our bodies.
As you mutate, all of these things are being thrown up by your DNA. You do not have them inside of you because you did something wrong, but because you no longer need these structures to evolve and your soul have requested that your body be aligned with a higher vibrational frequency. In this new moment, we will be asked to stop judging ourselves and move into self-acceptance of our selves as well as of others in order to create a biochemical and an electromagnetic environment in your bodies that will optimize the opportunity for the body to mutate easily. This then will occur with some balance and with some stability and sometimes with an emotional sense of well-being.
Dietary Changes

Your body’s needs will probably change rapidly during these times. People are already finding a desire to eat in a different way. They are seeing a great shift away from the denser foods (i.e. meats and heavy proteins), and from foods that are heavy and will stay in the body longer and will create greater density in the body. During cellular transformation, your sustenance will be coming more and more from the light or energy vibration and less and less from physical sources. This light pervades the universe and also affects changes in body cells during transformation. As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body’s energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.
You will probably notice physical changes in your body that ultimately will lead to physical healing. Eat as many raw and pure, unprocessed and uncooked foods as you can. This means mostly fresh fruits and vegetables which results in a basic detoxification diet. Fruits and vegetables will be extremely important to your diets. You will find that many fatty foods will not work in your bodies during these changing times.
By eating differently, you are also helping to detoxify the Earth, its surface and its atmosphere. As you do this, visualize a white light pouring through your body and the Earth, lightening the dark spots, and loving all your parts. Cleansing your body will result in a cleansing of the earth. Honoring your body with pure and natural foods, as nature intended, is honoring the Earth and the Earth’s offerings in a way that is without equal. After you cleanse your body, you will begin to strengthen and to heal any of the body parts that were weak or tired.

The quantity of water that you drink will also be extremely important to you during transformation. The water we drink allows the electrum to flow through your body, which is light lowered to a density as it enters the body mass. The more water you drink, the easier it is for the light energy, or prana, to enter your body and to move through the physical body, rejuvenating the organs of the body. It would be wise during cellular transformation to drink plenty of water, at least a gallon a day. The additional water allows the light to move through the body faster. Light is an electrical force in our density and the additional water assists the movement of the light. From your perspective, you cleanse your body with additional fluids. The additional water permits the light, prana, to move through your body and the prana brings new life into and through the body.
– Humanity Healing